It’s no secret that scooters provide you with a safe, convenient, and efficient means of transportation. Whether you’re running a quick errand, making local deliveries, or commuting to work, riding a scooter is a fun and easy activity. With that said, you’re probably wondering how to choose the right one for your needs. After all, there are several brands and models to pick from. Read our buying guide below for some helpful tips!

Set Your Budget

While it’s true that most scooters are economical and eco-friendly, that doesn’t mean that all models are cheap. Keep in mind that many models are focused on looking good rather than running efficiently. Fortunately, this is where a firm budget comes in handy. Crunch some numbers to determine how much you can afford to spend. This will help you eliminate models that are beyond your price range.

You’ll also want to consider other expenses such as fuel. Be sure to ask about the average miles per gallon a scooter gets before you buy it. If you’re buying a scooter to save money, your budget will play an important role in your success.

Size and Power

Another factor to address is how much power you’ll require on average. Don’t forget to balance that out with how much power you can safely handle and afford. Small models with 50cc engines can easily reach speeds of 30 to 50 mph. This may be more than enough if you’re staying local.

Mid-size scooters, on the other hand, have engines that range from 125 to 170cc. These models can usually reach up to 70 mph, which means they’re better for backroads and smaller, slower highways. If you’ll regularly be navigating highway traffic, you should be searching for a scooter with a 250cc engine or higher.

The larger and more powerful your scooter is, the more expensive it will be. These models can also be more difficult to handle, especially for beginners. You don’t want to end up with a scooter that’s beyond your comfort and skill level.

Resale Value Considerations

It’s important to consider the resale value as well. When you purchase any vehicle, including a scooter, the value will depreciate significantly after the first year of ownership. The good news is that when you buy your scooter from a highly regarded brand, the resale value will be better.

If you need help choosing the right scooter, contact the sales team at Sky Powersports Cocoa. We are conveniently located in Cocoa, FL, and we also serve all our patrons in Palm Shore and East Orlando.